16th International Children Folk Dance Festival

16th International Children Folk Dance Festival

Organise by Limassol Folklore Association

Limassol Folklore Association, organizes the 16th International Children Folk Dance Festival, which has been established as an institution in the cultural activities of our country since 1993, celebrating the 30th anniversary this year! The festival will take place from Wednesday, 21st of June until 26th of June in different places of Limassol district, with the participation of more than 160 children from Greece, Georgia, Poland, Lithuania, Armenia and Cyprus.

During their stay in Cyprus, the children will have the opportunity to visit and explore archeological, historical and cultural places of the island.

All the performances start with a parade of all the participants in the streets of the municipalities or communities and end up to the squares where they will be held.

In more detail, the Festival will start with an Opening Ceremony on the 21st of June in "Marios Tokas Square", at Ypsonas. Then, the festival will be transferred to two picturesque villages of Limassol, Pelendri on the 23rd of June and Kyperounda on the 24th of June. The festival will close with a spectacular closing ceremony at Molos of Limassol on the 26th of June.

All the performances start at 20:00 and have FREE entrance.

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