Artist Andreas Loizou New

Artist Andreas Loizou New

Creating Art

Andreas Loizou (also known as: New), a contemporary Cypriot artist painting mainly with oil on canvas, opens up about his work. During the interview he sits among his works of art in his personal space and joyfully answers my questions. It was a pleasure to be among such realistic paintings, such lively depictions of optimistic symbolisms and humorous portrayals of humanity. The paintings are made with delicate brush strokes, powerful colours and amazing scenery. He is a young man who – as you will be able to attest to after reading the interview – uses speech in a similar way as he paints: his words are making an impression, creating a mental image in the canvas of the mind.

A style that is ever changing yet constant

He describes the style of his work as “Simple. Different! (…) Depending on the Spirit of the Time, my style changes. It is not stable, but there is something constant to it and that is character!” He is a sensitive individual who wants to pass a message through Art: Love, Joy, Freedom. He transcends disciplines from abstract to precise, from realism to fantasy, from austere to free.

The message in the artworks

“I am mostly interested in the Truth. (I want) the other person who is standing next to me or opposite my work to see something real. I want it to fill the person with Joy and Optimism. That is Health to me!”

His aim is to offer artworks that induce a sensation of health, by including symbols, colours and elements that have such an effect on humans. He puts effort in creating a question in the mind of the viewer: “What does the artist want to say?” so that freedom of thought is allowed space enough to flourish.
young artist amidst his artworks

The many forms of Artistic Endeavour

“I am mostly interested in Drawing and Painting, but also with Design, Fashion (for personal satisfaction). Mostly, I am working on crafts such as sculptures, aquariums, lamps, design on wood, on stools, decorative candle-holders, vases, and other things. Depending on the inspiration and enlightenment I get! (…) I do like experimenting, it is true! It also depends on the materials, the current situation I am in, and how I feel.”


A most impressive painting hangs on the wall, depicting a snail going forward in the desert. My inquisitive spirit cannot help but ask about it.
“The Snail which is in the desert, yet needs water to survive. I wanted to portray Hope! Because despite all the things that the viewer cannot see in the painting, like water (there is only dry land), it can give faith. In that the Snail stands proudly, it is walking and it believes that somewhere, yes, there is water. Life exists! That is why I used orange, which – as a colour – has only positive influence to the human psyche.”

Symbolism in artworks

The interview visited the Cypriot artists’ views on symbolism and using archetypes in artworks. We are speaking about the painting with the snail in the desert and he says: “The spiral on its’ shell is – to me – something god-given! It creates in me a satisfaction, a sense of gratitude, of bliss – how to say it? It is something supreme, which – apart from the simplicity of the work – pleases me to just look at. It satisfies me on a higher level beyond my soul.”

A day in the life of the artist

The life of Andreas Loizou NEW is balanced, with calm and peace being goals of personal development. He describes how he can reach out for these states of consciousness.

“I am doing something I love. It comes naturally. I do study as I would be studying either way. I might do a detoxification or complete fasting, to feel better and to create a new work of art. I might meditate, enjoy a ride on the bicycle, do some exercise, hear nice music or smell a nice perfume, light candles, for example. I try to create a quite romantic atmosphere.”

Andreas NEW also explains the reason behind maintaining this lifestyle.

“I want to have some politeness towards it (the artwork). A feeling of love, gratitude, pleasure, joy, how to say?”

Sources of Inspiration

Being a sensitive person, Andreas NEW is influenced by things such as colours, shapes, textures, fabrics. He also finds inspiration in movies, songs, voices, nature, the Internet and even, a smile!

“When I feel that something satisfies me. A stimulus. Something that offers me something good. I like to reproduce it. To augment it and look at it, to give it, to share it. This is how I am as a Human being. I do not keep it for me, because in the end, I am not alone on this Planet. We are an ensemble.”

More about his artwork

The artist is curating his own gallery on the website where a gallery of his paintings can be viewed, ordered and received either in person, or by delivery service. More contact information can also be found on the website!
young artist amidst his artworks

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