Centre of Performing Arts MITOS
Electra Euripides - Tour in 6 villages!
Artistic program of hospitality in Old Xydadiko for an 8th year in a row from the Centre of Performing Αrts MITOS "theYard.Residency.18"
Old Xydadiko, Limassol
The Centre of Performing Arts MITOS, is a non-profit organisation (MKO), that was created by performer Elena Agathokleous and Loukas Balebski in 2007. The base of MITOS, Old Xydadiko, is a former traditional vinegar laboratory, that is found in the historical region of Limassol near the Medieval castle of city.
MITOS aims to contribute in the artistic creation and promotion of modern theatrical expression and performing arts, through collaborations with other artists, teams and institutions from Cyprus and abroad. To create theatrical plays, to make co-productions with other artists, to participate in festivals in Cyprus and abroad, to organize festivals and other artistic institutions of expression, to develop educational and artistic programs for the public and the local community, Old Xydadiko as a modern artistic platform.
Centre of Peforming Arts MITOS presents the seldom played ancient Greek drama "Electra" of Euripidis, which will tour in six villages this August, under the program of Cultural Decentralisation 2018 and Cultural Services of Ministry of Education and Culture.
"Electra" of Euripidis
"...No one does not hear my mournings! The slaughter of my father was forgotten. With his murderer sleeps with my mother and my brother all alone drained away in foreigner land. And myself, kicked out of my house melting and suffering, in this cage...".
In one deserted farm outside from Argos, lives Electra, daughter of murdered king Agamemnona. Her marriage with a insignificant villager looks like a social death. Day and night, she mourns so much, that she has forgotten to do anything else.
Her brother Orestes, at last returns, secretly. The male offspring is burdened with the debt of revenge, murder in his murder, said Apollo. The two siblings now are working on a plan to kill their mother Klytaimnistra and her lover Aigisthos.
The tragedy "Electra" of Euripidis, presented for the first time in 413 B.C., most likely after "Choifores of" Aischylos and "Electra" of Sophocles. Euripidis, not only changes the form and the content, but shifts the significance of tragic in human realm. He analyzes with an inside look at his heroes and the moral dilemmas that are presented maintained through to the present.
It is the history of crime and questioning that is floating around ironically: "Was the order now restored that you killed your mother?".
On scene: Elena Kallinikou, Marina Long, Elena Agathokleous, Marianna Michail
Direction, play-writing: Elena Agathokleous,
Research: Rania Iakovou
Text processing: Rania Iakovou, Elena Agathokleous
Artistic motion: Eleana Alexandrou
Music: Marianna Michail
Teaching and manufacture of masks: Loukia Pieridou
stage scenery: Eva Korai (Makers Will Make)
Costumes: Andreas Antoniou
Photography: Christos Georgiou
Theatrical production: Kostantina Peter
Production: MITOS www.mitos.org.cy
Dates and location
- 7/8/2018 Kakopetria – School
- 8/8/2018 Kato Platres – School
- 10/8/2018 Koilani – Theatraki
- 11/8/2018 Doros – Community park
- 13/8/2018 Trimiklini – Community park
- 14/8/2018 Tris Elies – School
Starting time: 20:00
Contact number: +357 97 879793
Center for Performing Arts MITOS: http://www.mitos.org.cy
Free entrance!!!