SATURDAY, 8 APRIL 2017 – The season starts with Dorians Coastal Challenge, an obstacle run unlike any other held in Cyprus and among very few of its kind. Worldwide!
Dorians Coastal Challenge is a 5Km long run with 20+ obstacles and challenges along the sandy CTO Beach and in shallow waters (1 meter maximum depth approximately). During the Costal Challenge you will conquer all our signature obstacles along with 10 NEW obstacles that will challenge your endurance, perseverance, mental toughness and team spirit.
We don’t say that it will be easy, we say that it will be a significant challenge of your mind and body, a fun day out, a no ordinary experience, and an event to remember and chat about for months to come.
Dorians Coastal Challenge will be held at CTO Beach in Larnaka, a well-known venue easily accessible from all districts of Cyprus. CTO Beach will accommodate the administration area, the course area and the parking.
The administration area will comprise the entrance and help desks, a ticket sales office, the registration desk, the bag drop off area, the crisis management centre, first aid and physiotherapy spot, exhibitors’ booths, changing facilities, showers, toilets and a kids’ playground.
The course area includes the LesMills warm up stage, the start line, the 5km route with obstacles, two refreshment stations and the finishing line. The venue also offers free high speed internet access.
Get your ticket NOW at the price of €30
Dorians Coastal Challenge is open to everyone over 16 years old and do not have or suffer from any serious health condition. You can join the event as a Solo Dorian (individual) or as a member of a team.
The event also aims to attract:
- People who exercise little, moderately or are performance athletes,
- Businesses, organizations and departments that would like to develop team spirit among their staff members.
- All year swimmers and non-swimmers.