Critical thinking and fake news

Critical thinking and fake news

Critical thinking is the mental and emotional function in which a person evaluates the reliability of information and decides what to think or do through reasoning based on all possible evidence available to him. Critical thinking is the ability to think in an organized and rational way in order to better understand information.

Critical thinking involves a complex combination of skills. Among the main features are the following:
Logic: deals with the rules we use to draw correct conclusions, so we are interested in arguments and reasoning.
Self-awareness: we weigh the effects of our motivations and biases recognize our own assumptions or biases.
Honesty: We recognize emotional impulses, selfish motives, or other fallacies.
Broad-mindedness: we evaluate all reasonable conclusions, study the variety of possible opinions or perspectives, remain open to alternative interpretations, accept new explanations and models.
Discipline: we are precise, detailed, complete and exhaustive, resist manipulation and irrational appeals, avoid quick decisions.
Decisiveness: we recognize the importance and value of alternative hypotheses and perspectives, we recognize the extent and weight of proof.

What are the 5 components of critical thinking?
It includes research, study, evaluation, speculation and application. The ability to think critically is vital for many professions in today's age of the information society. Using the five-step process of critical thinking skills can eliminate much of the worry and stress of problem solving.

Critical thinking is necessary to recognize and protect against various fake news.
The term "fake news" has appeared in our lives in recent years and is the deliberately incorrect or misleading information that is circulated through a multitude of mainly electronic mass media in order to influence public opinion, especially vulnerable and vulnerable groups. Misinformation and distortion of reality has always existed and is a traditional tool of propaganda and part of "yellow" journalism. Social media play an increasingly intrusive role in our daily lives, therefore the evaluation of the news they display becomes more and more important. Artificial intelligence contributes even more to the above problem.

Developing critical thinking and logic is more important than ever as if something seems unbelievable or untrue then it is most likely a lie or contains major inaccuracies.

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