Cyprus Alive's 1st birthday party

Cyprus Alive's 1st birthday party

What are they looking at?

What were they all looking at? We’d been cruising off the coast of Larnaca celebrating the first birthday of “Cyprus Alive” at the invitation of our MD Tasos Siakalis. Now a whole collection of boats had gathered before us, some bigger, some smaller.  Surely, they hadn’t all come to wish us “Happy Birthday”. People in wet suits and goggles were in the cold May waters. Some did not even have special wet suits, just normal flimsy swim-wear. Included in that band of hardy people was a Greek-and-English speaking Russian lass from our boat who explained that she swam every day of the year – even through the winter. Others, less Spartan, relaxed and enjoyed the Cyprus sun, quenching their thirst for Vitamin D.

We had reached the spot where the Zenobia, the most famous shipwreck in Cyprus, lurked some 16 meters below. It was a favourite for seasoned, exert, divers but many would not venture below 10 meters.

The whole cruise was a fun event, full of Greek “Kefi” with lots of games designed to bring much merriment and laughter. As well as the “Cyprus Alive” Team there were a few other groups: members of Tasos’ Lavris Club, a group of Tasos’ friends and relations and members of the Diaplasis gymnasium.

This is another of those occasions were my camera is more eloquent than my pen, or perhaps I should say keyboard, so I will keep my commentary short except to mention that regular planes arriving at nearby Larnaca airport kept reminding us of the company motto – “The sky is the limit!”

Cyprus Alive's 1st birthday party

See also Christina's take on the event.

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