How mental health affects our overall health

How mental health affects our overall health

Harmony of soul and body

How mental health affects our overall health

Harmony of soul and body

The daily life we ​​live in today is very demanding and because of the virus, it is probably quite hard if not for all, for most of us.

Our body does not function on its own. Good health always comes from within us, first. No physical illness or dysfunction happens just in our body. If we feel good inside, then it is more difficult for our body to get sick.

According to Plato and Hippocrates, the biggest mistake in the treatment of diseases is that the doctors separate the body from the soul, as a result of which many diseases escape them, that is, they do not pay attention to the whole but to the part that is sick. But where the whole is sick, it is impossible to have a healthy part.

There are diseases, especially autoimmune diseases, where the body itself attacks the same organism and where there is no exact origin of the disease. The answer is the disease of the soul. We must search within ourselves to find the solution. Depression and stress, which are referred to as mental illnesses, are very serious and can negatively affect our body as well.

So, psychology directly affects our health as a whole and the balance between soul and body, is called harmony and wellness.

So by doing the things we love, we can drive stress out of our lives and maintain that balance. Listening to music or doing gymnastic, massage, dancing, walking, nature-trips or any hobby or activity that makes us feel good, we can be mentally and physically healthy.

So, the next time you do not feel well in your body, look for your soul and how you feel within. Relax and do the things you love, because life is beautiful and stress is useless. Think positively.

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