November is just around the corner and colds as well as viruses will start to make their appearance. Before going to the neighborhood pharmacy for 'warfare', take a walk through nature's pharmacy. Herbs not only add flavor and aroma to food, create original flavor combinations and enhance the organoleptic characteristics of specific foods, but they have been used since ancient times for their healing properties for the body, spirit and soul.
Mountain Tea
It is rich in iron, flavonoids, minerals and essential oils, offering our body anti-inflammatory and antioxidant protection. It is diuretic and detoxifying.
Contains coumarin, essential oils, flavonoids, azulene, cadmium and minerals. Chamomile drink is mainly consumed for its relaxing properties.
It is tonic, has antibacterial, antiseptic and spasmolytic properties.
Its decoction is digestive, tonic for the body, diaphoretic, helps to stimulate the heart and is an excellent sedative.
It has soothing and relaxing properties. It is the most suitable drink for the afternoon or late at night as it relaxes from the tension of everyday life.
Studies have shown its antioxidant and antimicrobial activity due to the polyphenols it contains.
Rich in minerals and trace elements, the nettle has astringent, diuretic and tonic properties and cleanses the body of toxins.
Echinacea is an herb commonly used to reduce flu and cold symptoms. It can reduce tissue inflammation, making it useful for allergy sufferers as well.
Gingko Biloba
Gingko biloba extract increases blood flow to the brain and therefore helps protect against dementia, memory impairment and other cognitive disorders. It has also been used to treat respiratory conditions such as asthma and bronchitis. It also relieves fatigue, tinnitus, sexual dysfunction and multiple sclerosis.
It is a small tree or shrub belonging to the rose family. It is native to northern Europe, but grows all over the world. Evening primrose can lower blood pressure, slow heart rate, help open the coronary arteries, which allows the heart muscle to get the critical nutrients it needs. Helicanthus is also effective for mild forms of heart failure.
It has been used for thousands of years and for a variety of ailments. It is most often used for liver problems, as well as gallbladder disorders. It can lower cholesterol, insulin levels in diabetic patients with cirrhosis and slows the growth of certain cancers, especially breast, cervical and prostate cancer.
It is an herb native to China and plays a central role in traditional Chinese medicine. In China, it is commonly used along with a collection of other herbs to support the immune system, treat chronic hepatitis, and as a complementary treatment for cancer. Studies have shown that astragalus can support the function of the heart and when used with other medicines can serve as an adjunctive treatment for cancer.
It has been shown to help treat inflammatory diseases such as arthritis, asthma and bronchitis and can also protect red blood cells from harmful toxins. It can also help regulate the menstrual cycle of women suffering from ovulation disorders.
It is used to treat mental disorders, nerve pain, malaria, and also as a sedative. It can help treat mild to moderate depression, anxiety and sleep disorders.
It can help with sleep and anxiety disorders. Studies have shown that valerian helps people fall asleep faster without disrupting their normal sleep. While generally considered safe, in some cases it can enhance feelings of excitement and nervousness.