New Year. New goals?

New Year. New goals?

SMART technique

It may seem like one of the new trends of the time, and yet, the roots of this tradition go back centuries. From the ancient Babylonians and Romans to the knights of the Middle Ages and modern religious customs. So it seems that the change of year acts as a form of awakening and puts the person in an optimistic and creative mood of change for the better.

New Year's resolutions and goals often fail as they are created by social pressure based on an arbitrary date. The person seeking the change or the new habit must identify why and if the desire is really his own and not an external demand-prompt. In many cases, a repeated failure in the past to achieve a goal may indicate that the person may not be ready for that change or may not want it. Failure to achieve goals often has psychological consequences, and adopting a passive or resigned attitude towards things. Many times there is also a self-punishing behavior.

You can achieve your goals as long as you change your approach. Logical, if you consider that if you don't change the way you manage a situation, the outcome you expect from it cannot change. One way you can use to record and implement your goals is the SMART technique.

Specific - Be specific: Your goals should answer the questions of what you want to achieve and why they are important to you.
Measurable - Make sure they are measurable: Quantify your goal in a way that you are in control.
Attainable - Make sure your goal is achievable: Even the loftiest goals can be achieved. Everything starts with the first step.
Relevant - Determine its relevance: Why is achieving this particular goal important to you? Is this goal relevant to your life right now? Relevance is especially important when setting career goals.
Time-bound - Set time limits: Time-bound means setting a specific deadline for achieving your goal. The deadline creates a sense of urgency to motivate us to act and should be determined based on your own schedule and personal needs.

Most people claim to want and seek change but are practically unable to implement it. It is important to record the progress of achieving the goal, whether positive or negative. The only thing that is certain is that the fulfillment of any goal requires patience and perseverance, effort and also method.

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