November proverbs

November proverbs

To remind us of the wisdom of the ancient Greeks

We are slowly entering the month of November. In the 2nd month of autumn.

The rains intensify, the work on crops and harvests also intensifies. Many proverbs relating to these works are said to this day.

Let's see what we call a proverb.

A proverb is a short quote that expresses - most of the time in an allegorical way - claims that are the essence of many people's long experience. Thus, proverbs often take on a didactic character.

Here are some proverbs that refer to the coming month.

November saw and sowed, December saw and reaped, and enter and into your vineyard, landlord.

November plowing and olives, there is no lack of work.

Is November over? The couples are in the stable.

Even if it thunders in November, let the wine be good!
November with rain, digs, sows all the earth.

November is cold and the fire will warm us.

In November, December, he planted catabolades.

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