Old Kivides

Old Kivides

The ruined village of Limassol District

Taking the exit that leads to the villages of Souni-Zanakia and passing the village of Kivides we were surprised when going down to the Church of Agios Georgios we saw the old abandoned village of old Kivides.

The village is built in the valley between the villages of Agios Therapos and Kivides and is about 30 minutes from the city of Limassol.

The road has been left in its original form stone built and in the houses we found on the way to the center of the village is obvious abandonment, other houses are half ruined, without doors and Windows only the original shape has remained the same, other houses are in somewhat better condition. A great impression was made by the many fountains located in every corner of the village and the incredible tranquility that prevails around.

Just before the church the old cooperative testifies that once there was life in the village growth and prosperity.

Before we entered the precincts of the Temple some Oaks met us with their leaves thrown into the courtyard. Some stone benches to rest if you want and an old fountain built in 1955 reminds you of other times.

The church is quite large and has remained its original building, dated 1922 the imposing bell tower can be seen from afar and the doors and windows are in their original form. The church, despite all the damage it has suffered over time, stands as imperious and imposing as when there was life in the village.

In the area there are many almond trees that blossomed since we are on the threshold of spring, looking at them fills your eye with beauty and the bees that continue to do their work is the only noise you hear throughout your excursion.

Finally, the abandoned villages have their beauty and Grace regardless of the sadness that the empty village causes you.

You can see below the video and the photos we took and we hope to give you a reason for new explorations.

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