Tales from a Cyprus Village Coffee Shop (Ch 7)

Tales from a Cyprus Village Coffee Shop (Ch 7)

Eating flowers in Cyprus

“Wow! You can eat those marrow flowers,” said a friend on seeing the marrows that I was growing at the back of the restaurant-café.

“Really?” I said.

“Yes would you like me to show you how to prepare them?”

“Sure, go ahead,” I replied.

She collected the flowers and we went into the kitchen.

She made a batter of flour and water with a teaspoon of baking powder, a little salt, some distilled rosewater and a little milk. She washed the marrow flowers and dipped into the batter before  frying. Then drizzled with honey. Delicious!

Another popular flower eaten in Cyprus is that of the smaller courgette which is stuffed with minced meat and rice in the same way as are vine leaves to make “koupepia”.

Tales from a Cyprus Village Coffee Shop (Ch 7)

If you missed our last tale from our coffee shop, click on the photo to view.

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