On Friday 10th November 2017 at the amphi-theatre of the Xenon High School, the Municpal Choir of Deryneia in conjunction with two guest choirs (the Aris Choir of Limasol and the Municipal Choir of Thasos in Greece) held the choir’s 16th Festival on the theme of the music and 30 years of political activism of Mikis Theodorakis.
As well as being one of the most celebrated Greek musicians of our times he has been a consistent champion of freedom. He fought in the resistance against the Germans in WWII, was caught and tortured, he fought in the Civil War that followed and was again tortured. He spoke up, in speeches and through his music against the Military Dictatorship of the right-wing Junta that seized power in Greece in 1967. He was exiled, and his music was banned in the country. People could even be arrested for listening to it. He has frequently been jailed for his political activism. He has also frequently spoken out against the Machiavellian machinations of the Western powers concerning Cyprus.
I have said before and I will doubtless say again that I never cease to be amazed at the ability of ordinary Greeks whether in Greece or in Cyprus to organise themselves to put on performances such as these without any significant amounts of money or imposed leadership.
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