Letymbou or Letymvou

Letymbou or Letymvou

The great number of churches in the area might mean that the village was much bigger during the medieval years.

The community of Letymbou is situated in the Pafos district, in the geographic region of the Ampeloxorion(vine villages) about 14,5 km on the northeast of the city of Pafos .

Letymbou or Letymvou is built in an average elevation of 380 m.The hilly scenery of the village is partitioned by the watercourse of the river Ezousas. In the last population census that was conducted in 2001 the residents of the community were 277. 

In the village area there is the church of the Virgin Mary of ‘Fotolambousis’, the church of Saint Theodoros, as well as the church of Saint Kyryka and Juliet.  Gunnis mentions four other chapels around the village. But other sources mention that. Letymbou is known in the whole region for its churches.

The great number of churches in the area might mean that the village was much bigger during the medieval years.

In 1880 A pit of calcareous rocks functioned in the area . Recently a pit of gypsum functioned here. 

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